

Lahti, Annukka. (2023). Violent Entanglements: Intimate Partner Violence in LGBTIQ + People’s Relationships. Journal of Family Violence. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-023-00637-0

Kolehmainen, Marjo, Lahti, Annukka, & Kinnunen, Anu (2023). Affective Intensities of Single Lives: An Alternative Account of Temporal Aspects of Couple Normativity. Sociology 57(1), 3–19. https://doi.org/10.1177/00380385221090858

Lahti, Annukka (2022). Affective intimacies of gender assemblages: Closeness and distance in LGBTQ + women’s relationships. Teoksessa Marjo Kolehmainen, Annukka Lahti & Kinneret Lahad (Eds.), Affective intimacies. Manchester University Press. https://doi.org/10.7765/9781526158574.00017

Kolehmainen, Marjo, Lahti, Annukka & Lahad, Kinneret (2022). Introduction: Affective intimacies. In M. Kolehmainen, A. Lahti & K. Lahad (Eds.), Affective intimacies. Manchester University Press. https://doi.org/10.7765/9781526158574.00005

Lahti, Annukka & Marjo Kolehmainen (2020). LGBTIQ+ Break-up Assemblages: At the End of the Rainbow. Journal of Sociology 56(4), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1177/1440783320964545

Lahti, Annukka (2020). The becoming of family relationships and friendship circles after a bisexual break-up. In R. Baumgartner & E. Maliepaard (Eds.), Bisexuality in Europe (pp. 85–99). London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367809881

Lahti, Annukka (2020) Sateenkaarierot [LGBTIQ+ breakups]. Teoksessa Annukka Lahti, Kia Aarnio, Anna Moring, & Jenni Kerppola (toim.), Perhe- ja läheissuhteet sateenkaaren alla. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. https://www.gaudeamus.fi/teos/perhe-ja-laheissuhteet-sateenkaaren-alla


Lahti, Annukka (2023). At the end of the rainbow? Co-becomings and un-becomings with communities in LGBTIAQ+ break-ups. Outside/rs 2023, Postgraduate & Community Conference, 10th June, 2023. University of Sussex.

Lahti, Annukka (2023). Queer entanglements – becoming of intersectional (power) relations in LGBTIQ+ break-ups. Presentation at the Annual Sociological Conference 2023, 21st March. Tampere University, Finland.

Lahti, Annukka (2022). Queer matterings – un/becomings of intersectional (power) relations in multisensory research interviews.  Presentation at Gender Studies Conference 2022: Feminist matterings Indigenous and Arctic engagements, 1st December, 2022. University of Oulu, Finland.

Lahti, Annukka (2022). (Un)Becomings of Finnish whiteness in LGBTIQ+ break-ups. Presentation at the 19th Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) conference, 24th November 2022. University of Eastern Finland, Finland.

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HS 2.10.2023. Puumien silittäjät. https://www.hs.fi/hyvinvointi/art-2000009789531.html

YLE 12.5.2023. Kannattaako poliitikon salata ero ennen vaaleja? Näin asiantuntijat vastasivat Ylen kuuteen kysymykseen. https://yle.fi/a/74-20031294

Lahti, Annukka (2022). Aaveileva heteronormatiivisuus ja suru sateenkaarieroissa. Perheyhteiskunta. https://www.perheyhteiskunta.fi/2023/02/22/aaveileva-heteronormatiivisuus-ja-suru-sateenkaarieroissa/

Lahti, Annukka (2021). Sateenkaaren alla on myös ongelmia, vallankäyttöä ja eroja. Perheyhteiskunta. https://www.perheyhteiskunta.fi/2021/06/29/sateenkaaren-alla-on-myos-ongelmia-vallankayttoa-ja-eroja/